This has been a very busy month. I have a project in progress that has to be done by the end of the month, but I can't show it just yet. I have also had lots of outside work to do. We have finally gotten a little rain. Not really enough, but every little bit helps. I am also slowly working on my BOMs. Of course I am behind again. LOL What is new. I don't remember if I have shared any of these blocks or not, but if so, you get to see them again. LOL This BOM is called Thoughts in Thread by Val Laird. It is so cute.
Here is block one....
Here is block two...
Block three....
Block four...
Block five in progress....
Block six is cute as can be. It has an owl in it. (grin) I still need to get the block made and trace the design on it.
Look what my honey made for me yesterday morning. Our Sassy rabbit is due on June 26th and Sara on July 8th. So Kevin made me these nest boxes. They should be plenty roomy enough for our does and their litters.
Please overlook the stuff in the background. Our microwave recently bit the dust and we still need to get rid of it, plus Kevin sat the propane bottle up on the deck for some reason. Hmmm, I guess I should have moved things before taking the picture. LOL
We spent most of Saturday getting the big chicken house ready for my young pullets. Kevin got the gate posts set for their run. Now we just need to build the gate and check out the fence. Then their run will be ready for them. They are loving all the space. I go down to their house and just sit and watch them.
Hard to believe they have grown this much in just 6 weeks. The ducks have grown even more, but I didn't get a good picture of them.
Well, that is all for today. I need to get back to work. Thanks for visiting and please come again. Have a good one.