I went to the doctor yesterday for my 3 month check-up. Now I am waiting to hear the results of the blood work.She had to stick me twice to get the blood. She noted on my chart that I am hard to get blood out of. (grin) I also decided to get a flu shot. I had never had one before, but had a bad case of flu last winter. I don't want a repeat of that. So today my arm is sore and I am stuffy and congested. Not blaming the flu shot, but I was perfectly fine before I got it.
I have been working hard on Christmas gifts. Of course, I am not where I hoped to be by this time of the month, but I am chugging along. Last night I put together the cutest little tree block quilt from this issue of McCall's Quick Quilts. I really love it. I may machine quilt it today, since time is escaping me. Here is the tree quilt.
Isn't this cute? I may even go by Hobby Lobby this weekend and see if I can find some mini-ornaments to decorate it. I tried not to have any alike pieces beside each other, but after ripping out a couple of times decided this was good enough.
I also finished sewing the binding on the Daisy Star. I am glad to have it done. I think I will give it to Hazel for Christmas. She doesn't read my blog, so I can safely share it on here. I laid it out on our deck since Kevin wasn't home to hold it up for me.
I'll share a couple more shots of it. The little spot in the lower right corner above is a leaf. (grin)
Here is the back of it. I used fabrics leftover from the front to give it a scrappy binding.
Well, I'd better get back to work on gifts. Kevin has all of next week off, so I'm not sure how much I will get done. I need to have hand projects ready because he likes me to sit and watch tv with him. (grin) Thank you for visiting and please come again. Have a wonderful day.